Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dirty laundry

I thought I'd spice up my blog with a bit of edgy commentary!! For real though...I do recognize in myself a sometime unhealthy gravitation toward the salacious...details about incidents or individuals that I just don't need to know. Why is that? Don Henley wrote, ''It's interesting when people die, give us dirty laundy.'' Not sure the propensity bears nourishing though. Your thoughts...why do we care about Britney, Brangelina, or Hurricane death tolls?


Lets Get Dirty! said...

I'm not sure I do care about Brittany or all the other incidents, but I do care about dirt! Be it in the form of mud, dust, hard packed or just plain old dirt. It's all there to get into, who hasn't made mud-pies at one time or another? As the saying goes "everyone grows old, growing up is optional"

Lets Get Dirty! said...

Hey, I updated my BLOG what happened to you?

Anonymous said...


Lets Get Dirty! said...

well more work on my BLOG page yesterday, you'll notice that my "about me" image now rotates backgrounds randomly. If you would like to put the Sighman somewhere different or have a cool background just let me know where to get the image! I hope to do an update today and i hope you and the family are all doing well!

Jonathan said...

Hey Bro-in-law,
Happy Birthday!

Lets Get Dirty! said...

Happy B-Day, we called but we missed you!!!!

Jonathan said...

Voyuerism - combined with either pride because we feel so much better than those kinds of people, or desire to participate in the taudry afairs about which we read, but safely and withou consequences. What happened to caring about others, even strangers, and dare I say prodigals?