Friday, February 22, 2008

Hold on Loosely...

I was chatting with a friend over lunch the other day and we agreed that sometimes we (or anybody) can wrap our head around and idea, argument, position, or expectation and literally stop thinking! We cease taking further data in about a subject or conception and thereby risk missing the discovery of a better or improved understanding. The presumption is dangerous because our understanding of reality is continually being refined. Think this is too philosophical...think "parenting!" Just when I've got one phase figured our...bam, my kids age on me!

While it is critical to "keep an open mind", I also believe that we do so in order to then close our minds upon better ideas and deeper truths. It is a process. If we fix our minds too rigidly, we stop allowing ourselves to be refined. [Old Guy Alert!] There's this 80's band called 38 Special that summed up well what I'm trying to say:

Just Hold On Loosely,
but don't let go
If you cling to tightly,
you're gonna lose control

[PS - The Daffy Duck image above is from a 1956 Looney Tune entitled Ali Baba Bunny and NO, I'm not that old, but I do like cartoons.]


Anonymous said...

howdy Ken!!
yep i like that...
to remain curious.

Jonathan said...

You've inspired me to try my hand - or mouse - at blogging. Something to be open and curious about.