Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tropical travel...
On my way from the airport with my friend Juan and I caught up and discussed the demands of work and home. He reminded me of the Stephen Covey observation that we sometimes trade the important for the urgent. This is an ever present challenge in my own life, where I have to fight to keep the priority straight, carving the time for the important!! How about you?
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Saturday, March 08, 2008
Early flight consolation
POP QUIZ: From where does the coffee megalith's company name derive? BONUS: Name the native tribe of the Vancouver region?
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Thursday, March 06, 2008
Dinner for one
But one thing remains the same, at the end of the meal...only ONE dinner mint: dinner for one :(
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Pass it on...

I get to lead teams of leaders in what I do to earn a living. Part of those teamwork sessions involves an opening "defreeze" - it's like an icebreaker with the express purpose of getting their minds to move in a distinctly different direction from their usual work-a-day world activity. I chose to use Cathy's blog question of "If you could live your perfect life, what would you include? and what can you start doing TODAY?". I passed this question on to about 16 top leaders of a U.S. organization and then yesterday I posed it to about the same number of top leaders in a Canadian company. Two observations, 1) It causes just the pause for a 'deep think' that makes a defreeze question effective, and 2) people then have an idea floating around in their heads that they can act on to improve their lives! I love this!
Maybe you can kick this question around yourself, or with friends and loved ones and see where it goes! Let me know what you come up with and any of the responses you hear in a comment!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Dirty laundry
Monday, February 25, 2008
Visions of Italy...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Spam soup?
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Saturday, February 23, 2008
Guitar Lessons
For Christmas I gave my son (under my wife's inspiration) a book of coupons for guitar lessons. Today was lesson #1. Though his intro to music class allowed him to try out a little (nylon string) guitar along with piano and recorder...today he started on steel stringed acoustic.
It was cool to pull out my old axe that I bought upon graduation from college 20 years ago and start passing on the musical heritage - note the ''Rock for Life'' motto along the little guys sleeve. Will he become a guitar legend - another Stevie Ray Vaughn...Phil Keaggy...or Jimmy Hendrix? I don't know. What matters is that my son and I have a whole coupon book and beyond to explore the possibilities together!
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Friday, February 22, 2008
Hold on Loosely...
While it is critical to "keep an open mind", I also believe that we do so in order to then close our minds upon better ideas and deeper truths. It is a process. If we fix our minds too rigidly, we stop allowing ourselves to be refined. [Old Guy Alert!] There's this 80's band called 38 Special that summed up well what I'm trying to say:
Just Hold On Loosely,
but don't let go
If you cling to tightly,
you're gonna lose control
[PS - The Daffy Duck image above is from a 1956 Looney Tune entitled Ali Baba Bunny and NO, I'm not that old, but I do like cartoons.]
Thursday, February 21, 2008
You blog???

Nevertheless, to maintain some semblance of understanding of the world around me and "the buzz" I do have token place markers in each of these worlds - okay, the Club Penguin is vicariously through my children, as I peak over their shoulders.